Monday, December 7, 2009

Seams Like Years…

It’s been a while since I updated this… a really long while, but I’m going to try to get back into it again. My current problem is something I never really fixed the last time: seams. Here’s an example:


Weirdly enough if I save the textures I generate for the faces they line up fine with no seam (the darkish hole should line up with the pit above):


So, having changed my texture generator around a bit I’m 100% sure it’s my texture code some sort of floating point error how MDX is texturing the faces. There must be a way to get MDX to just display the bitmap I give it & not mess up the edges…

Update 1: I had some mag & min filtering going on which was causing some (but not all of my seam problems. When I got rid of this code:

//    device.SamplerState[0].MinFilter = Direct3D.TextureFilter.Anisotropic;
// device.SamplerState[0].MagFilter = Direct3D.TextureFilter.Anisotropic;

It looks like this now (still a problem with top and bottom patches but going from front to left to back to right and back is seamless now):


Not sure what’s causing it, but you can see from front to top to back to bottom the textures I’m generating seem to be slightly offset – the image on the right offsets them in the correct direction and they seem to match much better.

nooffset offset

Update 2: There were some errors in how I collated the heights from sub-patches, now top to bottom match up perfectly, and I have no seams!



Next back to the adaptive planet (the one that properly changes its patches depending on LOD) and an attempt at making the textures in hardware.

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