Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Quad Tree Termites

It's taking a lot longer than I thought but the quadtree implementation is finally taking some shape. Real work (stuff that pays money) took over for a bit so that slowed things down a lot - I also had a holiday around Spain and over to Morocco which was good fun. I climbed a couple of mountains there and I must say God/Buddha/Allah/String theory/Ekpyrotic theory did a good job - no cracks, high detail, no obvious texture repeat and good continuous level of detail (although I wasn't moving very fast). I'd like to see it run on my laptop though.

So anyways, here's a comparison of splitting for CLOD vs. Quadtree in wireframe mode, you can see that the Quadtree is much more precise, the camera position causes a circle of split patches:

clodmesh quadmesh

The number of polygons rendered is much lower than CLOD, mainly because the frustum culling is much more precise due to the recursive nature of the quadtree implementation. However, I'll need to do a good bit of optimisation, despite the lower number of polygons rendered, the overall FPS is suffering because (I think) of all the recursion needed to draw all the low level polygons.

You might also be able to see all the holes around the circle - it's easier to see in this picture:


Yes, yellow is the new black. All that pink was making my eyes sore, yellow works just as well to show up problems I think.

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